You have reached the page that gives users access to course material by allowing downloads straight to students' computers.
Access to course downloads will now only be available to those who were previously on one of the listed courses. Course information access will be granted for a short period and students will be invited to partake should they require material.
Its so simple. Look to your right in the next column. Click on the required part or parts of the listed course material that you require. A secure form will appear in the browser window requiring that you enter a username and a password. These will have been emailed to you previously. Enter them to gain acces to a downloads page that allows you to click on and download the material you need.
Click to access downloads |
Get Your website Found |
Course material unavailable |
Using social Media for Business |
Course material unavailable |
Design & Create a website |
Course material unavailable |
Marketing a Business on a Shoestring |
Course material unavailable |